This maritime service links Rimouski to Blanc-Sablon, providing a gateway to the natural beauty of Anticosti Island and the Lower North Shore that has fuelled many an imagination.

After calling at Sept-Îles, the MV Bella Desgagnés docks at Port-Menier on Anticosti Island. This idyllic island at the heart of the Gulf of St. Lawrence is home to an abundance of flora and fauna and to a landscape of gigantic cliffs, secret caves and breathtaking waterfalls. The ship then continues on to ports of call at Havre-Saint-Pierre, Natashquan, Kegaska, La Romaine, Harrington Harbour, Tête-à-la-Baleine and Saint-Augustin. Succumb to the charm of these picturesque villages dotting the Lower North Shore, the ancestral homeland of the Innu communities, and marvel at the spectacular wilderness out here.

This maritime service is operated in partnership with Relais Nordik, a subsidiary of Groupe Desgagnés. For more information and to reserve your sailing, visit

Operating: April to January

Total crossing time (Rimouski–Blanc-Sablon): 7 days

Total distance travelled (Rimouski–Blanc-Sablon): 2237.2 km

Winter Disenclavement Program

With alternative transportation routes (road and air) to the maritime service, the objective of the Lower North Shore and Anticosti Island winter Disenclavement Program is to give access to perishable foods at a maritime transportation rate.

More details in January 2021.